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The toner quickly absorbs into the skin, moisturizing and refreshing it. With the presence of oats, "plant collagen," plant amino acids, and hydrolyzed collagen, it strengthens the skin, nourishes it, and leaves it smooth and radiant.

FARMSTAY Korean Collagen Toner for the face contains the most valuable active ingredients:

  • Collagen - intensely nourishes, improves firmness, and stimulates skin renewal. Collagen is a naturally occurring substance in the human body known as the protein of youth. Synthetic and animal-derived collagen are popular ingredients in skincare products. Its action keeps our bones and internal organs healthy, while making the skin firm and smooth.
  • Hyaluronic acid - is a substance that naturally occurs in the human body in the form of sodium salt (sodium hyaluronate). It is most concentrated in the skin, synovial fluid of joints, and the vitreous body of the eye. Hyaluronic acid is also present in body fluids and connective tissue. It also constitutes the structure of blood vessel walls. It intensely moisturizes and provides proper hydration.
  • Oat proteins - thanks to flavonoids and saponins, they exhibit strong antioxidant effects on the whole body, including the skin. Therefore, they work well in cosmetics for mature skin, helping to delay skin aging.
  • Vitamin B3 - used in cosmetics, it has properties that allow it to penetrate deeper layers of the skin, effectively combating issues such as breakouts, acne, redness, and inflammation by regulating sebum production and reducing pore size. It also prevents the formation of early wrinkles.
  • White willow bark extract - contains tannins, salicylic acid compounds (precursors of salicylic acid), organic acids, and mineral salts. The extract is used in skincare products due to its anti-inflammatory and keratolytic properties (facilitating the exfoliation of the stratum corneum).
  • Cypress - cypress oil stimulates the body and mind. It eliminates signs of fatigue and adds energy. It also stimulates circulation, making it suitable for use in products targeting cellulite. Cypress regulates excessive sweating and supports the treatment of inflammatory conditions.
  • Cinnamon - firms and has a tightening effect, making it mainly used in various slimming and anti-cellulite treatments.
  • Bean - moisturizing, nourishing, and anti-inflammatory properties. Purslane - purslane leaves contain a juice with mild cleansing properties, vitamins (A and C), minerals (calcium, iron, sodium, and magnesium), antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Portulaca oleracea extract - it is also used in cosmetics due to its toning, healing, and detoxifying effects.

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