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Product Description

FARMSTAY GOLD COLLAGEN 2-in-1 Toner and Serum with Gold and Collagen

The 2-in-1 toner and serum features a rich serum-like consistency with light absorption like a toner. With the presence of gold and collagen, which have brightening, nourishing, firming, and anti-aging properties, it helps moisturize and smooth rough skin.

The FARMSTAY GOLD COLLAGEN 2-in-1 Toner and Serum contains:

  • Gold - possesses strong antioxidant properties, effectively neutralizing free radicals. It also stimulates fibroblasts to produce not only collagen but also elastin, which have a remarkable impact on skin firmness and tightness. Additionally, it stimulates the regeneration process.
  • Collagen - its action results in healthy, firm, and smooth skin. It intensely nourishes, improves firmness, and stimulates skin renewal. It provides deep hydration, contributing to wrinkle filling. It tightens, firms, and enhances skin elasticity. It removes blackheads and soothes inflammation. It stimulates the reduction of scars and discoloration. It alleviates irritations and under-eye dark circles. It increases the skin's resistance to pollutants, sunlight, and allergens. It enhances the penetration of active ingredients into the skin.

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FARMSTAY GOLD COLLAGEN Nourishing 2 in 1 Serum Toner, 130 ml 03/11/2023
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