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Product Description

FARMSTAY Eye Cream with Black Snail Mucus Extract

One of the most shockingly Korean skincare methods is now available here! An anti-aging cream that is applied directly to the eyelids! Shock and disbelief regarding the application method aside, the results are also spectacular!

Snail mucus eye cream - for whom?

The particularly sensitive and delicate skin of the eyelids requires proper care due to its thin stratum corneum and a low number of sebaceous glands. Frequent blinking contributes to the strain on the epidermis. As we age, the components responsible for maintaining our skin's firm condition decrease, causing the eyelids to become more wrinkled and saggy.

The lightweight and gentle eye cream with black snail mucus extract nourishes the skin and helps improve its elasticity. It makes the skin look naturally healthier and more radiant. The cream can also be successfully used around the under-eye area.

FARMSTAY Black Snail Premium Eye Cream contains:

  • Snail mucus - it contains nourishing ingredients that help maintain properly moisturized skin and protect it from harmful substances. Chondroitin sulfate, which is the main component of snail mucus, provides nourishment by continuously improving the skin's condition. Additionally, snail mucus contains vitamins (A, C, and E), proteins, mucopolysaccharides, proteolytic enzymes, and AHA acids.
  • Niacinamide - it exhibits moisturizing properties by regulating the skin's renewal processes, reducing water loss through the skin, thus making it more hydrated and elastic. It also has anti-wrinkle and anti-aging effects. It brightens the skin and gives it a uniform tone.
  • Adenosine - it regenerates the skin and has strong anti-wrinkle properties. It also works exceptionally well on difficult wrinkles such as crow's feet or laugh lines. It stimulates and increases the production of collagen and elastin in the deep layers of the skin, blocks the breakdown of collagen structures, gently drains, brightens, and smoothens the skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid - it fills in wrinkles. It binds water in the epidermis, preventing its loss. It moisturizes, rejuvenates, strengthens, and improves the skin's elasticity. It also has regenerating properties, accelerates wound healing, has anti-inflammatory effects, eliminates scars and discolorations, and strengthens the skin's protective barrier.
  • Centella asiatica - it has a wide range of applications in Asian medicine and the Korean cosmetics industry. It stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin, has anti-wrinkle effects, reduces swelling and dark circles under the eyes. It has a tightening effect and supports and accelerates the healing process of wounds. It cleanses and tones the skin. It has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Buckwheat root extract - it exhibits strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It has a regenerating effect on the skin and increases its resistance to environmental factors and stress.
  • Heartleaf plant - it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a beneficial effect on our digestive system, but it also finds application in cosmetics - it soothes skin imperfections, reduces wrinkles, tightens the facial contour, and lightens discolorations.
  • Japanese honeysuckle flower extract - it has bactericidal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects. It has healing properties and draws toxins from the skin. It calms, soothes irritations, refreshes, smoothens, and tightens the skin.
  • Ginseng extract - it is known for its cytotoxic properties, killing cancer cells. It is used in cosmetics due to its strong antioxidant effects, which delay skin aging. It has anti-wrinkle and rejuvenating properties. It prevents the formation of blackheads, improves skin tone, and smoothes it. Thanks to its effects, the skin becomes visibly younger and more elastic. Ginseng root extract is considered a luxurious ingredient.

How to use: Carefully apply on the eye rims, and gently tap for absorption after applying essence or lotion.

Cautions: In case of having problems such as red rash, swollenness, itching, stimulation during or after usage, you need to consult a dermatologist. You are banned to use it on the part where you have a scar. Caution for treatment and keeping: keep it out of infants or children's reach, store it away from direct sunlight.

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