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3 steps to tempting and kissable lips! Find out how to take care of your lip skin to achieve the desired softness and smoothness

3 steps to tempting and kissable lips! Find out how to take care of your lip skin to achieve the desired softness and smoothness

 Winter was not the kindest to our skin. Frost and cold wind systematically dried our epidermis, unfortunately not only the one on our face. No wonder that in spring and summer we plan to take better care of the skin of our lips to change their appearance to a more healthy and tempting one! The sun favors love, so why not fall in love with your lips again on this occasion? Read on and you will learn how to easily improve the condition of your lips! 

Discover new skin – how to exfoliate chapped lip skin?

Natural scrubs prepared at home work really well. Unfortunately, not everyone finds time to combine sugar or ground coffee with honey and just rub it on their skin in circular motions... Too much mess! When it comes to mechanical peeling, some people use a toothbrush, which, when used dry to massage the lips, will provide a similar exfoliation effect. Just remember not to press the brush too hard, as it may damage the epidermis. This will not be a good option for those with sensitive skin. Therefore, if we want professional lip care, it is worth choosing a ready-made peeling for this purpose, which will be completely safe for us when applied to the lips! This can be found in the PUREDERM brand's offer, present as a step in two-stage lip care, which will perfectly prepare the skin for the effects of the ingredients contained in the subsequently applied preparation.

Moisturize your lips to make them pleasantly smooth and soft

Hydrogel lip masks are winning the hearts of fans of Korean care by storm! A convenient and easy-to-apply lip mask in the form of a hydrogel has many advantages: it is not sticky, does not get dirty, and we do not eat half of it. Placed on the lips in the form of a light hydrogel sheet, it waits until the skin of the lips absorbs everything that is most valuable contained in the formula. We especially recommend this new product for dry lips that require firming! A series of sheet masks for lips by BEAUUGREEN:

Effective lip protection at any time of the year

It is no surprise that the most common mistake is skipping the last step, which is daily care...! If we have already put so much effort into the health of our lip skin, i.e. we have exfoliated and used a moisturizing mask, remember that from now on we should take care of our lips on an ongoing basis. What does it mean? There is nothing nicer than an enveloping balm, cream or lipstick that protects the delicate skin of our lips against external factors whenever they need it... We should reach for it at every free moment! What do we recommend?


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